📖Document Search

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  • Python environment with necessary packages installed.

  • GenAI Stack library and its dependencies.

  • Weaviate, an open-source vector search engine, installed and configured if it is used as the underlying VectorDB.

  • A dataset or source documents for indexing and searching.

from genai_stack.embedding.langchain import LangchainEmbedding[doc-search.ipynb](doc-search.ipynb)
from genai_stack.etl.langchain import LangchainETL
from genai_stack.stack.stack import Stack
from genai_stack.vectordb import ChromaDB
from genai_stack.vectordb.weaviate_db import Weaviate

Search single document

Search a single document using etl and vector database.

embedding = LangchainEmbedding.from_kwargs(
        "model_name": "sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2",
        "model_kwargs": {"device": "cpu"},
        "encode_kwargs": {"normalize_embeddings": False},
chromadb = ChromaDB.from_kwargs()
etl = LangchainETL.from_kwargs(
    name="PyPDFLoader", fields={
        "file_path": "<your_file>.pdf",
stack = Stack(
doc = chromadb.similarity_search("Who provide technical assistance to computer system users?")
for i in doc:


{'page': 2, 'source': '/home/akshaj/Documents/AIPlanet/DocumentSearch/data/2A2C2V4WI5YRDJHR26XUD4IAULIYGTMA.pdf'}
{'page': 2, 'source': '/home/akshaj/Documents/AIPlanet/DocumentSearch/data/2A2C2V4WI5YRDJHR26XUD4IAULIYGTMA.pdf'}
{'page': 2, 'source': '/home/akshaj/Documents/AIPlanet/DocumentSearch/data/2A2C2V4WI5YRDJHR26XUD4IAULIYGTMA.pdf'}
{'page': 1, 'source': '/home/akshaj/Documents/AIPlanet/DocumentSearch/data/2A2C2V4WI5YRDJHR26XUD4IAULIYGTMA.pdf'}

Search multiple documents

Search a directory containing documents. Returns a list of documents with path and page number.

embedding = LangchainEmbedding.from_kwargs(
        "model_name": "sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2",
        "model_kwargs": {"device": "cpu"},
        "encode_kwargs": {"normalize_embeddings": False},
db = Weaviate.from_kwargs(
    attributes=["source", "page"]
file_folder = "<your_file_directory>"
import os


etl = LangchainETL.from_kwargs(
    name="DirectoryLoader", fields={
        "path": file_folder,
        "glob" : "*.pdf",
        "show_progress": True
stack = Stack(
doc = db.similarity_search("Who provide technical assistance to computer system users?")

    "content": i.page_content,
    "page": i.metadata["page"],
    "path": i.metadata["source"]
} for i in doc]


[{'content': 'Revised  January 10, 2014  \n \nJUDICIAL INTERN  HIRING INFORMATION  \nLorna G. Schofield , United States District Judge  \n \nChambers  Contact Information :         \nUnited States District Court      \nSouthern District of New York              \n40 Centre Street, Room 20 1      \nNew York, NY  10007  \n(212) 805 -0288 \n \nPositions :  Judge Schofield hires first - and second -year law students as interns during the school \nyear and for summer employment .  During the school year, interns must be available for a \nsemester at least 20 hours a week.  During the summer, interns must be available to work full \ntime for at least eight weeks.   \nApplications :  Applications should include a resume, transcript and writi ng sample.   First-year \nstudents should not apply until they have received grades from all of their first semester classes.   ',
  'page': 0,
  'path': '/home/akshaj/Documents/AIPlanet/DocumentSearch/data-2/2KQDEYIMQDVT2DUARRCJV5HEUYY2HO7H.pdf'},
 {'content': 'Revised  January 10, 2014  \n \nJUDICIAL INTERN  HIRING INFORMATION  \nLorna G. Schofield , United States District Judge  \n \nChambers  Contact Information :         \nUnited States District Court      \nSouthern District of New York              \n40 Centre Street, Room 20 1      \nNew York, NY  10007  \n(212) 805 -0288 \n \nPositions :  Judge Schofield hires first - and second -year law students as interns during the school \nyear and for summer employment .  During the school year, interns must be available for a \nsemester at least 20 hours a week.  During the summer, interns must be available to work full \ntime for at least eight weeks.   \nApplications :  Applications should include a resume, transcript and writi ng sample.   First-year \nstudents should not apply until they have received grades from all of their first semester classes.   ',
  'page': 0,
  'path': '/home/akshaj/Documents/AIPlanet/DocumentSearch/data-2/2KQDEYIMQDVT2DUARRCJV5HEUYY2HO7H.pdf'},
 {'content': 'Revised  January 10, 2014  \n \nJUDICIAL INTERN  HIRING INFORMATION  \nLorna G. Schofield , United States District Judge  \n \nChambers  Contact Information :         \nUnited States District Court      \nSouthern District of New York              \n40 Centre Street, Room 20 1      \nNew York, NY  10007  \n(212) 805 -0288 \n \nPositions :  Judge Schofield hires first - and second -year law students as interns during the school \nyear and for summer employment .  During the school year, interns must be available for a \nsemester at least 20 hours a week.  During the summer, interns must be available to work full \ntime for at least eight weeks.   \nApplications :  Applications should include a resume, transcript and writi ng sample.   First-year \nstudents should not apply until they have received grades from all of their first semester classes.   ',
  'page': 0,
  'path': '/home/akshaj/Documents/AIPlanet/DocumentSearch/data-2/2KQDEYIMQDVT2DUARRCJV5HEUYY2HO7H.pdf'},
 {'content': 'Revised  January 10, 2014  \n \nJUDICIAL INTERN  HIRING INFORMATION  \nLorna G. Schofield , United States District Judge  \n \nChambers  Contact Information :         \nUnited States District Court      \nSouthern District of New York              \n40 Centre Street, Room 20 1      \nNew York, NY  10007  \n(212) 805 -0288 \n \nPositions :  Judge Schofield hires first - and second -year law students as interns during the school \nyear and for summer employment .  During the school year, interns must be available for a \nsemester at least 20 hours a week.  During the summer, interns must be available to work full \ntime for at least eight weeks.   \nApplications :  Applications should include a resume, transcript and writi ng sample.   First-year \nstudents should not apply until they have received grades from all of their first semester classes.   ',
  'page': 0,
  'path': '/home/akshaj/Documents/AIPlanet/DocumentSearch/data-2/2KQDEYIMQDVT2DUARRCJV5HEUYY2HO7H.pdf'}]
doc = db.similarity_search("Chambers Contact Information:")
for i in doc:


{'page': 0, 'source': '/home/akshaj/Documents/AIPlanet/DocumentSearch/data-2/2KQDEYIMQDVT2DUARRCJV5HEUYY2HO7H.pdf'}
{'page': 0, 'source': '/home/akshaj/Documents/AIPlanet/DocumentSearch/data-2/2KQDEYIMQDVT2DUARRCJV5HEUYY2HO7H.pdf'}
{'page': 0, 'source': '/home/akshaj/Documents/AIPlanet/DocumentSearch/data-2/2KQDEYIMQDVT2DUARRCJV5HEUYY2HO7H.pdf'}
{'page': 0, 'source': '/home/akshaj/Documents/AIPlanet/DocumentSearch/data-2/2KQDEYIMQDVT2DUARRCJV5HEUYY2HO7H.pdf'}

Checkout the notebook here for more details.

Last updated