📖Advanced Usage

Create your own Custom Retriever Component

Each stack component has three Base Interfaces.

Base Interfaces for the Retriever component

class BaseRetrieverConfigModel(BaseModel):
    Data Model for the configs

class BaseRetrieverConfig(StackComponentConfig):
    data_model = BaseRetrieverConfigModel

class BaseRetriever(StackComponent):
    config_class = BaseRetrieverConfig

    def get_prompt(self, query:str):
        This method returns the prompt template from the prompt engine component
        return self.mediator.get_prompt_template(query)

    def retrieve(self, query:str) -> dict:
        This method returns the model response for the prompt template.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_context(self, query:str):
        This method returns the relevant documents returned by the similarity search from a vectordb based on the query
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_chat_history(self) -> str:
        This method returns the chat conversation history
        return self.mediator.get_chat_history()

1. Creating a Custom Retriever Component: Create a new class that extends the BaseRetriever class. Here's an example of how to create a custom retriever.

class CustomRetriever(BaseRetriever):
    def retrieve(self, query: str) -> dict:
        # Implement your custom retrieval logic here
        # This method should return a model response based on the query

    def get_context(self, query: str):
        # Implement your custom context retrieval logic here
        # This method should return relevant context based on the query

2. Customizing Retrieval Logic: Users can customize the retrieval logic by implementing the retrieve and get_context methods in their custom retriever class. These methods should contain the specific logic for retrieving model responses and context information based on the user's query.

3. Custom Configuration data model: Users can also provide the data model for the configurations which will be specific to their custom retriever class. create a new custom retriever config model class that extends the base retriever config model class and specify the configuration fields and their types.

class CustomRetrieverConfigModel(BaseRetrieverConfigModel):
    custom_field: str = "default_value"

4. Custom Configuration: If you are creating a custom retriever config model which contains specific configurations for the custom retriever component, then you also need a custom configuration class that extends BaseRetrieverConfig to define their own configuration class specific to their custom retriever component. For example:

class CustomRetrieverConfig(BaseRetrieverConfig):
    data_model = CustomRetrieverConfigModel

5. Using Custom Configuration: To use the custom configuration class, users can modify their custom retriever class to specify the custom configuration class

class CustomRetriever(BaseRetriever):
    config_class = CustomRetrieverConfig

    def retrieve(self, query: str) -> dict:
        # Implement retrieval logic using custom configuration options

6. Accessing Base Functionality: Users can access the functionality provided by the base retriever component, such as getting prompts and chat history, by calling the get_prompt and get_chat_history methods from within their custom retriever class. User can also override these functionality.

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