Chat on Webpage

Python Implementation

Since we have a Web page default data loader we can use it directly from here.

from genai_stack.model import OpenAIGpt35Model

model = OpenAIGpt35Model.from_kwargs(
 fields={"openai_api_key": "Paste your Open AI key"}
model.add_source("web", "valid_web_url")
model.predict("<Any question on top of the webpage>")

CLI Implementation


    "etl": "langchain",
    "source": {
        "name": "WebBaseLoader",
        "fields": {
            "web_path": "valid_web_url"
    "vectordb": {
        "name": "chromadb",
        "class_name": "genai_stack"

Run the ETL command

genai-stack etl --config_file etl.json


    "model": {
        "name": "gpt4all"
    "retriever": {
        "name": "langchain"
    "vectordb": {
        "name": "chromadb",
        "class_name": "genai_stack"

Run the model server

genai-stack start --config_file model.json

You can make predictions on this model server:

import requests

url = ""
res =, data={"query": "<Any question on top of the web page>"})

Last updated