In case of weaviate you would have to install weaviate with docker-compose and then use that component in the GenAI Stack.
Compulsory Arguments:
class_name => The name of the index under which documents are stored
url => Url of the weaviate node
text_key => The column against which to do the vector embedding search
auth_config: (Optional)
api_key => api_key of the weaviate cluster if you are using weaviate cloud .
Here the docker-compose configurations:
This is a sample docker-compose file
This docker compose file uses sentence transformers for embedding for more embeddings and other options refer this doc.
GenAI Stack Configurations for Weaviate:
=> Sample vectordb configuration for weaviate
Note: Weaviate expects class_name in PascalCase otherwise it might lead to weird index not found errors.
Last updated