Custom Model

A custom model can be created with few steps.

  1. Import a BaseModelclass from genai-stack.

  2. Create a class with desired name(class name) and inherit the BaseModelclass.

  3. Implement two methods:

    • load() - Load the model. This method is run at once on class instantiation.

      Set a class attribute, which can be later accessed in the predict() method. This way a lot of time can be saved during prediction which avoids model loading during prediction.

    • predict()- Accept a parameter named query, which should hold the input to the model. Make prediction and return the generated prediction.


Below code creates a GPT Neo model with GenAI Stack.

from genai_stack.model.base import BaseModel
from transformers import pipeline

class GptNeoModel(BaseModel):
    def load(self, model_path=None):
        # Set `pipeline` by creating a class attribute model i.e, self.model
        self.model = pipeline("text-generation", model="EleutherAI/gpt-neo-2.7B")

    def predict(self, query):
        response = self.model(query, max_length=50, do_sample=True, temperature=0.9)
        return response[0]["generated_text"]

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